Many of us, who look at our hand and see a "design" rather than an "evolution, find this Bible Verse to be significant.
In a few short words, it describes a God, and His Son, and why that is important.
What does it profit a man to gain the whole World....and lose his soul, reads another verse from The Bible.
Is Jesus Lord? As a graduate student in a neurobiology class we studied a brain cell, a Neuron...and I was just stunned as the reality hit me...THAT IS A DESIGN!
I urge you to ponder the reality that we live in, the next time your child or beloved hugs you...look into eyes
that could not have possibly "evolved" from some primordial slime...
As for me, I have studied the data, and decided that there is "Intelligent Design" all around us...and for me...
The consequences of that simple truth...warrants further study and a life well studied and honorable as possible.
If the conclusion is correct, and I believe it is, then every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, the Bible reads...
No greater love than to give a life for a friend...
Rock on!