The eye operates at the speed of light, or 186,000 statute miles per SECOND!!! The ear operates at barely 700 feet per second on a good day! PONDEROUSLY SLOW compared to the eye. The implications for producers of audio only, are profound!
The ear is MECHANICAL and SLOW! The EYE/BRAIN connection is more like digital and the speed of light! Keep in mind that the more elements added to the audio track, the more difficulty the human ear-mind connection has "sorting it out" so keep it simple.
FIRST get the selling message correct, THEN add any enhancements or elements that support, not detract, from that original voice track. Sometimes you are better off with nothing but the voice. USUALLY the more audio "junk" in your audio track, the bigger the mess...and think carefully about voicing your own media if you're not a professional.
Speed READING is possible! However Speed HEARING is clearly impossible!
The big secret is simply this: English is a VERY complicated language. There are no magic secrets to writing some sort of copy or commercial that has qualities that make people do things...THAT is just garbage.
Your goal is to tell your story as simply as possible using words that connect with people's emotions. You will notice Madison Avenue certainly uses these oldies but goodies songs in enhancing their sales message with the emotional connects generated by the themes...THAT is called "positioning".
There are few shortcuts to excellence and in my philosophy of communication, I say, keep it simple as possible! Just choose the wordsmithing carefully, and tell the story in 30 seconds...THAT is your stage...make it all count! So writing the copy is important...positioning the content might be as important...we ARE emotional my years in graduate school studying psychology revealed a lot to me about who we are as a people and a culture. My minor was sociology at UC so all that research and formal study has honed my understanding somewhat of the human psyche. NOBODY has all the answers...some have more of them than others.
I say, choose the wording carefully, and have it produced by a quality voice...with General American Dialect...and success might be more possible in telling your story. It's so NOT about reverb, equalization, electronic gizmos, aural's about a very natural sounding, sincere and quality voice narrating your story...some would disagree with research says I'm more correct than not correct in my philosophies of communication in mass media.
*If your story is worth telling...think about getting some help in telling it well!